Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Good Morning Mails!

Good morning mails! I hate good morning mails. And no matter how ironical it may sound, but damn, those mails are the second thing that never stop to ruin my morning. [First being, milk, shoved in my pitiful food pipe by my roommate, with all those confused mix of threats and sentiments..Heck! It's JUST milk.. give it up sucker!]
Anyway, the good morning mails.. yeah! they suck! I mean what kind of sense does it make to say right in morning...

When life gets corky and boss loves humping you by the ass
And sweet bitches in office, give nothing but finger, as they pass
World almost come to an end, and you are making a sucide plan
please smile my dear friend, as you are just one of the clan!!

When Love of life has departed, after kicking in your balls
because she found graphical stats of all other gf's calls
take it on your swanky chest, and ask for medi-claim
please smile my dear friend, it's just part of the game!

When nights are dull and hangover is long gone
no more booze left, vcd store is out of good porn
while life promises to be sad, gloomy and shit
please smile dear friend, you are just another misfit!

When you get a silicon transplant, instead of heart bypass,
and those nymphomaniac looks make you feel out of class
Every day starts surreal, haunted with misrey in galore
please smile my dear friend, bad-luck will knock on door!

When you feel bi-polar depressed and maddest of mad,
and crotch starts itching with sweat germs super-bad
take a break , speak to thy lord to take away the pain
please smile my dear friend, before morning starts to screw u again!

Good morning and have a great day ahead!

WTF? I mean.. what the hell does that mean? Do I look like a retard who would actually fail to understand the gaffe in that mail! Ridiculous! And yet, just as soon as morning in office begins, people literally start shoving-in those "ruthless torturing good morning" mails in my "under-sized, over-busy, super-slow and untra-miserable" inbox. It really depresses me at the end of the day, to see; that all my inbox contains is some "good morning mails" which failed to accomplish anything, but space on my disk and some mails which says "Is JackAssJavaServer87643 down?". [Can you access it, mud-head? No!?? Then you bet it's down! Duh!?]

<Back to good morning mails... >
My Pissed and pushed-over-the-edge mind is often lead to brilliant ideas. It was no exception this time. Finally I created a automatic rule in Outlook, which would take care of all the mails with "good morning" in subject line! [yeah thanks to that I missed a "very personal" mail by a girl, who "COULD" have been my temperory solution to all permanent problems!]



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